
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

No Merry Christmas for the Reindeers

With Christmas coming in about a month, some people have already started their gifts shopping, their Christmas tree decoration and all the preparations for the family parties. But it also means that the Christmas parades and farms are around the corner, which is not good news for the reindeer.

While you are enjoying the show, you probably don’t think about the treatment that those poor reindeer have to deal with just to please humans. In Britain more specifically, Red-Nosed Reindeer and his friends are not well feed and they are kept in unsuitable conditions.

Reindeer are wild animal. Being removed from their cold and quiet natural environment to be place in mall farm is not normal and can be really stressful. Like in the Christmas parade, there are hundreds of people screaming and running everywhere close to the animals.

This stressful experience can does serious damage to their health. According to VeterinaryLaboratories Agency, it could be the reason of the increasing amount of death of the young reindeers during the last years.

The website Animal Aid suggests boycotting the events that use those poor reindeer just for the amusement of humans and even complaint. You can also order their leaflet and pass the message to your family and friends.

Keep that in mind next time you will see reindeer participate to Christmas events. Here is a short clip that shows where reindeer should be.

1 comment:

  1. I saw a picture of the cutest dear ever on Facebook. Then I read the caption. "HUNTING SEASON HAS STARTED! COME TO WAL-MART TO LOAD UP ON AMMO!"
