
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ban Leg and Paw Traps: Stop Animal Suffering

     Hunting and trapping are necessities in life, so some may say.  But I really do not feel it is necessary to put an animal through suffering so someone can add to their fur coat collection.  Many may argue that animals come onto residential properties and violate space.  Often, outdoor pets may get in fights or attacked.  Trash cans and other property may be tampered with.  But can we really blame the animals?  With human overpopulation and widespread home building, more and more animals are losing their own habitats, food sources and safe havens.  Where are they to go?  Some think, a trap!
     In Donnie MacLeod's article," Dissecting the anti-trapping animal rights (AR) cover letter," on, he provides a barbaric response to valid arguments animal rights groups have made.  His concern for holding onto inhumane practices is revealed in his broad accusations against animal lovers.  
     The Department of Natural Resources in the state of Wisconsin has an article regarding hunting and trapping that is an easier read for extreme animal lovers like myself.  The weekly news article discusses regulations, rules and restrictions that individuals are expected to follow.  The department also supports efforts to follow guidelines associated with trapping animals humanely.  
     I can understand that certain areas people may need to hunt for survival methods, or choose to have an animal trapped to relocate somewhere else.  But with every issue, respect should be shown.  If a deer is shot for consumption, use each piece, follow laws and rules, and realize it was a living being.  And if people like Donnie MacLeod want to use inhumane paw or leg traps, because animals, ". . . have more padding with thick fur. . ." therefore do not feel pain, then stricter regulations need to be in effect so he can see the consequences and inhumane practices that are derived from such inconsiderate ideals.  Animals are living, breathing, feeling beings that deserve respect.  Despite opposition from enthusiastic trappers, animals should have animal advocates speaking up for them, asking for reasonable changes to provide better practices for the animals and wildlife that help many of us.

"Dissecting the anti-trapping animal rights (AR) cover", Donnie MacLeod,

"Furbearer hunting, trapping seasons begin to open Oct. 20", Weekly News Article,

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