The Animal Welfare Institute is an organization dedicated to end animal suffering with emphasis on animal research and experimentation, animal torture for fur, and factory farming. Their website consists of suggestions and news pertaining to many animal issues in the modern world. These issues include the above mentioned as well as companion animals, wildlife, habitat conservation as well as news pertaining to government laws and legislation. It appears the Animal Welfare Institute, or AWI as they are also known, produces content as it becomes available as up-to-date animal related news. It appears no section is dedicated to comments from viewers or readers. This website and organization do have social media accounts via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. There is even a blog section, however, it has not been updated since February and has no comments or feedback.
The Animal Rights Community Online is just as its title states, an online community dedicated to animal rights and welfare. It is a community of animal activists essentially with a desire to promote the importance of a strict vegetarian or (ideally) vegan diet. The majority of content on this site is discussions between individuals pertaining to various topics including laws, education and activism, support for diets, and animal chit chat. Content on this site is published daily from varying authors/animal enthusiasts. There are many comments associated with the topics on the site. Because it is a community, the site is similar to an open conversation between multiple people with a high amount of feedback. Unfortunately, it appears that this community blog is not affiliated with any social media outlets.
Mercy For Animals, or MFA, is an animal rights organization. The content on their blog pertains to their dedication in treating farm animals with respect and compassion and ending farm animal cruelty. They also support, and provide information on a more animal friendly diet. They focus on education consumers, shedding light on cruelty investigations, and keeping up with legal advocacy. Their content is critical due to the fact that farm animals have the least amount of animal advocates supporting their fight. Content on the site is published a few times a week up to as many as a few times per day. On the blog section of the MFA website, no comments were seen. However, readers do have the option of Tweeting, or sharing the blog via other social media. MFA has social media accounts with Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, Flickr, and Twitter.
Global Animal is an animal associated organization made up of multiple writers and individuals with a passion for animal welfare. Global Animal was started out of genuine love and interest in all types of animals and turned it into a daily animal online news magazine. Global Animal puts emphasis on up-to-date information from fish species in the ocean, to current dog food recalls in your hometown. Content is published multiple times throughout the day. Comments are present regarding the topics on the site. People are allowed to read the articles or information and express their opinions pertaining to that article. Many people state their disgust at the sad news that is the reality for animals. Others comment with positive feedback when a happy or upbeat article is posted. This site has multiple social media venues it uses such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
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