
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Animal Testing: The Sacrifice Animals Make For Humans

"To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body."  This famous and extremely respected quote by Mahatma Gandhi reveals his compassion for the innocent lives of animals.  

Animals suffer because of human need, greed, consumption, and cruelty.  Sadly, many are used, abused, tortured and killed for the sake of many unnecessary human products including cosmetics, furs, and handbags.  The amount of companies that still use animals for experimentation and lab research are astounding.  And for what purposes?  Many times creatures are put through torturous experiments that contribute no relevant findings, and in turn benefit no one.  Many animals die for absolutely no scientific results what-so-ever. 

The group, In Defense of Animals, has a fact list of many sick treatments lab animals have to endure.  These experiments include, ". . .the Draize test, caustic substances are placed in the eyes of conscious rabbits. . . it is extremely painful for the rabbits, who often scream when the substances are applied and sometimes break their necks or backs trying to escape. . ."  Other tests include lethal doses of poison being forced through stomach tubes into innocent animals.  Doses are administered until half of the study group of animals die.  Many of the lab animals endure vomiting, paralysis, seizures, and bleeding through eyes, nose, mouth and/or rectum.  These practices are inhumane, cruel and simply evil.  The In Defense of Animals group has a link to humane companies that do not kill innocent beings.  

Alex, the author on has a list of companies that use animals in experimentation, animals for fur, or companies that may be questionable.  She has done a great job updating the list and keeping it current over the last ten years.  Alex also has links to animal friendly companies, consumer tips, animal advocate resources and much more.  She should be praised for her realistic viewpoint regarding the halt of animal testing.  Although as animal advocates, we would love to see an end to the unnecessary torture and killing of innocent animals, Alex announces that realistically companies that commit these acts are money making businesses.  They each have multitudes of fans, followers, and eager spending consumers.  Her solution which I agree with, is to do what we can as animal advocates  and not support inhumane or cruel laboratory/experimentation practices.  It is encouraged as Alex says, to not spend on money on their products and to spread the word to others as well.  

With advanced technology there is no reason for innocent animals to live short lives in small laboratory prison cages.  There are many successful companies that have humane practices in effect for testing their products appropriately, where animals are not exposed to the cruelty of a hellish lab.  This is an animal friendly company list that anyone can be proud to be a consumer of. 

WARNING: The following video is graphic in nature and may be disturbing to viewers, but reveals the truth of what is happening to innocent animals in labs.

"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission--to be of service to them whenever they require it... If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."
        --Saint Francis of Assisi (mystic and preacher)


Friday, November 23, 2012

McCartney Family Showing How Celebs Care for Critters

Celebrities may be idolized for amazing fashion sense, fantastic artistic talent, beauty and stature, athletic abilities, or maybe even nothing at all.  Celebrities receive honors, glory, fame, not to mention perks and privileges.  Luckily for animals, many celebrities that we have come to know and love, have advocated for the rights of critters everywhere.  Some celebrities that deserve praise are: Alicia Silverstone, a vegan who came out with a cookbook to support the lives of animals; Hilary Swank who started a foundation to help stray dogs outside the US; Pierce Brosnan who supports spaying and neutering to prevent pet overpopulation; and others like Ron Artest, Dave Navarro, Betty White, Steve-O and on.  The list of people who want to help animals worldwide are endless.

One popular celebrity that has done so much for animals is Paul McCartney.  Doris Lin discusses Paul's contributions and his fight for animal rights.   on the Animal Rights section of  The article touches upon McCartney's continuous support and gets right to the point of his amazing compassion for animals.  Lin states clearly McCartney's contributions, links to other articles pertaining to the McCartney family, and sheds light on an incredible animal advocate. Laura Sinpetru also discusses the positive influence Paul brings with his support against animal cruelty in her article Paul Becomes an Advocate For Animal Rights on  I can agree with Sinpetru that a huge celebrity like a former Beatle McCartney can be a huge advantage in driving many individuals to pursue a cruelty free lifestyle.  With his popularity among multiple people and generations, it allows for awareness about animal rights to be more in the spotlight.

Another McCartney that has spoken out for animal rights is Stella.  She is considered an amazing designer in the fashion world and has achieved success without harming animals.  I can agree with Doris Lin's article on where the phrase "Go Stella!" is used.  Some fashion enthusiasts may not be keen on the products Stella supports and designs, but from an advocate standpoint, it's great to know she is anti-fur and anti-hunting.  Fashion can still be successful without torturing an animal.  As the Beatles sang, maybe we can all ". . . give peace a chance."


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Adopt-a-Pet Thursday

When you are thinking about adopting a pet, you probably thinks cats or dog. But did you knew that you can adopt pets like pigs? Lulu is one of the pig looking for a loving family. 

Lulu is one calm and loving pig. She is well trained, but her owner was not able to take care of her anymore because of her divorce. So, she has no other choice than putting her in adoption.

She is learning to walk with a harness and is in really good health. 

If you are interested to adopt her and will love her forever, you can contact the adoption center and someone will get in touch with you right after. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

“No Animals Were Harmed”

Since the beginning of cinema, animals are involved in movies. You may have seen the “No animals were harmed in the making of this movie” notice in the end. Is it really the case?
Unfortunately, since animals are involve in the making of movies, some are badly hurt, or even worst, killed. This is why you should be careful about the films that you encourage by watching them at cinema or buying the DVD.
The Early 1900’s
Of course, when we think about harmed animals in movies, we think it happened long time ago. In the early 1900’s, a lot of movie animal were killed will filming movies. Some were shot dead; some others drowned or were electrocuted.
One of the most known cases of animal abuse in a movie is Electrocuting An Elephant from Thomas Edison. The title says it all; Toopsy, a circus elephant, is electrocuted in the movie. People at the circus noticed that she was attacking more people after her trainer tried to feed her with lit cigarette, so they executed her.  
You can now watch the sad movie on internet. The quality is not good, but it is not necessarily easy to watch.

Since then, plenty of movies like Ben-Hur (1925), Land Without Bread (1933) Stagecoach (1939) and Jesse James (1939) harmed animals. Sadly, the abuse was not over with those movies.
And now?
As we saw, it happened at some occasions in the early years of cinema and television. You may think those behaviors are behind us. It is not exactly the case. Not only animals were harmed badly in some movies of the 90’s, but even this year, in 2012. We may think that human evolved enough to not make movie animals suffer, but apparently not.
When we are thinking about animal abuse in movie, we certainly not think about child movies. According to Yahoo! Movies, Snow Buddies, a movie from Dysney released in 2008, was lethal not only for one puppy, but five. The production used too young puppies for the movies and they died from contracting parvovirus.
The case of The Hobbit
The future blockbuster movie The Hobbit is pointed by some organizations. During the shooting of the film, many animals have died. Horses, chickens, sheep and goat died from injuries. PETA is claiming they will protest during the premiere to report the bad treatment. The organization claimed director Peter Jackson should have use animated animals instead of hurting real ones on the set.
What can you do?
When you are going watch a film or a TV show, make sure that no animals were harmed for real. You can visit the website of the American Humane Association. The group rates every movie that it is allowed on set. You can find those rates on the website and get prepare to be surprise by some films.

No Merry Christmas for the Reindeers

With Christmas coming in about a month, some people have already started their gifts shopping, their Christmas tree decoration and all the preparations for the family parties. But it also means that the Christmas parades and farms are around the corner, which is not good news for the reindeer.

While you are enjoying the show, you probably don’t think about the treatment that those poor reindeer have to deal with just to please humans. In Britain more specifically, Red-Nosed Reindeer and his friends are not well feed and they are kept in unsuitable conditions.

Reindeer are wild animal. Being removed from their cold and quiet natural environment to be place in mall farm is not normal and can be really stressful. Like in the Christmas parade, there are hundreds of people screaming and running everywhere close to the animals.

This stressful experience can does serious damage to their health. According to VeterinaryLaboratories Agency, it could be the reason of the increasing amount of death of the young reindeers during the last years.

The website Animal Aid suggests boycotting the events that use those poor reindeer just for the amusement of humans and even complaint. You can also order their leaflet and pass the message to your family and friends.

Keep that in mind next time you will see reindeer participate to Christmas events. Here is a short clip that shows where reindeer should be.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ban Leg and Paw Traps: Stop Animal Suffering

     Hunting and trapping are necessities in life, so some may say.  But I really do not feel it is necessary to put an animal through suffering so someone can add to their fur coat collection.  Many may argue that animals come onto residential properties and violate space.  Often, outdoor pets may get in fights or attacked.  Trash cans and other property may be tampered with.  But can we really blame the animals?  With human overpopulation and widespread home building, more and more animals are losing their own habitats, food sources and safe havens.  Where are they to go?  Some think, a trap!
     In Donnie MacLeod's article," Dissecting the anti-trapping animal rights (AR) cover letter," on, he provides a barbaric response to valid arguments animal rights groups have made.  His concern for holding onto inhumane practices is revealed in his broad accusations against animal lovers.  
     The Department of Natural Resources in the state of Wisconsin has an article regarding hunting and trapping that is an easier read for extreme animal lovers like myself.  The weekly news article discusses regulations, rules and restrictions that individuals are expected to follow.  The department also supports efforts to follow guidelines associated with trapping animals humanely.  
     I can understand that certain areas people may need to hunt for survival methods, or choose to have an animal trapped to relocate somewhere else.  But with every issue, respect should be shown.  If a deer is shot for consumption, use each piece, follow laws and rules, and realize it was a living being.  And if people like Donnie MacLeod want to use inhumane paw or leg traps, because animals, ". . . have more padding with thick fur. . ." therefore do not feel pain, then stricter regulations need to be in effect so he can see the consequences and inhumane practices that are derived from such inconsiderate ideals.  Animals are living, breathing, feeling beings that deserve respect.  Despite opposition from enthusiastic trappers, animals should have animal advocates speaking up for them, asking for reasonable changes to provide better practices for the animals and wildlife that help many of us.

"Dissecting the anti-trapping animal rights (AR) cover", Donnie MacLeod,

"Furbearer hunting, trapping seasons begin to open Oct. 20", Weekly News Article,

Seaworld: Slavery, Salvation or So What?

     When one thinks of Sea World, they may imagine an exciting entertainment environment including sea life, shows, rides and wild animal interaction.  There are a variety of feelings that are associated with theme parks such as Sea World, pertaining to its practices of holding wild animals in captivity. Some in support of Sea World's practices may argue that education, conservation and research are critical goals that take priority.  Others opposed to the idea of wild animals in captivity feel many of these animals are taken violently from their families in the wild, are not offered stimulation, are used for consumer amusement, and are not treated as well as they should be.  Then there is a third group, one that has no clear position on the issue of holding animals like whales and dolphins in captivity.  Many of these undecided individuals see the animals rights issue not entirely relevant to their lives, and would not be swayed to stop attending or supporting theme parks like Sea World.
     Some viewpoints may seem a little harsh or drastic, such as PETA, or People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals.  In the Los Angeles Times section, L.A. Now, the article, "Animal rights group's suit to allege Sea World keeping orcas in slavery," describes a suit against Sea World claiming that the whales' 13th amendment rights are being violated.  PETA states the 13th amendment does not clarify if animals are excluded.  While the suit calls for the release of whales currently being held in captivity, and that I feel Sea World should no longer keep large, wild animals in tight quarters with no stimulation, I do feel that referring to orcas as slaves may be seen as offensive and over-the-top, limiting understanding among civilians.  This may diminish support for the activists' fight, invalidating their efforts.  Great heart, wrong way to go.
     Jason Garcia with the Orlando Sentinel wrote about the SeaWorld Orlando captivity polls.  He describes how a study was done asking people how they felt about whales and dolphins in captivity.  This study led to findings of people with strong views opposed to captive animals, strong views supporting captive animals, and a group of people that had no strong opinion at all.  It was a good effort to obtain information from citizens to get a better idea of this animal rights issue.  A positive about it is that regardless of how people answered, at least the study shed light on the topic gaining newspaper coverage and striking up new conversation about wild animals in captivity.
     Regardless of where one stands on the issue of wild animals in captivity, it is important to see the situation from an animal's point of view.  Hopefully one can ask themself, "what is the best case scenario for this animal?"  With compromise, community awareness, education, and humane animal treatment as a necessity, theme parks such as Sea World can be depicted as a place for entertainment, and a place that supports humane standards and respect to animals and wildlife, and not see them as money makers.

"Animal groups, marine parks release competing captivity polls," Jason Garcia, Orlando Sentinel.
"Animal rights group's suit to allege Sea World keeping orcas in slavery", L.A. Now, L.A. Times.

Adopt-a-Pet Thursday

Cali and I noticed that there were so many pets waiting for adoption in shelters. Even if we want to adopt them all, we can't, but we can try to help by sharing their description on the blog.

That is why we create this new weekly feature. Every week, we will present you a pet who needs a loving family to take care of him. And if, like us, you can't adopt them, feel free to share the information with your Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest community.

Hopefully, it can make a difference!

So, for our first feature, I present you Spot. Spot is a big boy who was rescue by a woman earlier this year. He is neutered but not declawed. Like all the pets in King S.P.C.A, he is vaccinated for rabies and FVRCP. This domestic shorthair is born on February 27, 2011 and is waiting at the animal shelter since February 2012.

If you are looking for a loving cat who loves to play with is toys (as you can see on the picture) and love a good rub on the belly, Spot may be the cat for you!  He also loves to play with water (which is pretty rare for a cat!)

For more information about Spot, or if you want to see the other animals in the wait for their future family, you can contact the Kings S.P.C.A. in Handford, CA. You can also see his profil on Petfinder here. Or even better, you can visit the shelter; you will fall in love with him!

8084 East Lacey Blvd
Hanford, California, 93230

Phone: 559-584-8766

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pets, Sandy and Internet

You may have heard about Sandy recently. You know, the hurricane that put New York and its surroundings upside down and forced people to move out the cities. Humans were not the only ones affected by Sandy; bunch of animals were too. A lot of pets just found the way of the shelter after the storm, and it is at this point that social media helps animals.

Unfortunately, when bad things like these happen, not only shelters get too busy, but some of them have to evacuate because they are as damaged as the other buildings around, like the ASPCA. The organization blogged to ask help of the public and put live feed on their Twitter which is the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to try to have help.

The Examiner is also using this media to help lost animals and shelter during those hard times. They give you access to phone numbers, website URL and email addresses for different kind of help you can provide. 

Donating to the different shelters that need helps or volonteers, adopting rescued pets or sharing those organizations on Facebook are among the possibilities that The Examiner give to make a difference. Now, with the popularity of social media, the idea of providing these information on them is a good idea to make things move forward.

Hopefully, the pets who have lost their family will find a loving owner to take care after this tragedy.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Human Overpopulation Affecting Animals and Environment

It is a common idea that human beings are at the top of the food chain.  We have capabilities and brain functions that cannot be matched by any other species.  But what does it say about our intelligence when we are depleting our natural resources, and destroying the habitats and lives of many types of species?
Many researchers and scientists will argue that human overpopulation is the world's biggest problem.  It's the biggest  issue that contributes to numerous other complications.  It is estimated our population will reach 9 billion by 2048.  Doris Lin discusses in her article on the affects of human overpopulation and the affects on animal life. "Human overpopulation is an animal rights issue as well as an environmental issue and a human rights issue. Human activities, including mining, transportation, pollution, agriculture, development, and logging, take habitat away from wild animals as well as kill animals directly."With larger populations demands go up.  Housing needs to be available to growing families.  This causes deforestation that equates to displaced animals from their homes.  Many animals depend on the natural environment to build nests, dens and hideaways from predators.  They can only survive off of materials provided by the land, so they may too sustain life for their offspring.  With more people on earth, more mouths need to be fed.  This causes increases in demand for meats and dairy.  Not only are countless farm animals being slaughtered and tortured to provide meals to people all over the world, but factory farming is also contributing to the pollution humans already cause.  In the United States, farms alone produce more than 400 different gases into our air.  Manure and methane are leaders of livestock pollution.  Much of this pollution is a direct result from high depends on meat and dairy.  It leads to farm overcrowding, poor diet and nutrition for animals, and high levels of waste.  Because of the excessive amounts of waste from the farm animals, much of it is dumped irresponsibly affecting animals and humans as described in the factory farming article on  "Man-made lagoons on industrial farms hold millions of gallons of liquid waste, from which contaminants can leach into groundwater. The manure is normally sprayed on crops, but often excessively, leading it to run off into surface waters.  Nutrients and bacteria from waste can contaminate waterways, killing fish and shellfish and disturbing aquatic ecosystems."  The demand by an overpopulation of humans causes excessive need for animals (which are treated inhumanely) that then result in loss of other animal life. has excellent information pertaining to all areas of education and sustainability including more on pollution and factory farming.  Factory farming and forest depletion are not the only threats animals, wildlife, and the environment face.  There is constant demand for fur, cosmetics, and jewelry which animals have to suffer and die for, but there are needs of animals to perform for amusement, and stray pets that wind up homeless or in a shelter because an owner got rid of them.  Animals are innocent beings.  Many existed on this planet before we were here.  Yet many of us think our superiority trumps all other species and that we are most important.  The thing to remember is that there is one planet earth which we share with many other plants, creatures and wildlife, and that has a limited number of resources.  Before it's too late and humans are reliving Easter Island, it is important to do what we can, while we can, all while respecting the animals and wildlife around us.  Limiting our uses of resources, cutting back on meat consumption, and supporting animal friendly companies can not only benefit them, but us too.  Resources:1) "Top 10 Animals Rights Issues," Doris Lin, About.com2) "The Issues: Factory Farming,"

Thanksgiving: Vegetarian Style

So when anyone thinks of the holidays approaching, many picture family, fun, and of course, food.  We love indulging in edible happiness.  Thanksgiving is the day known for eating ourselves silly.
Turkey! That is the first thought that comes to many minds when we think about our tradition Thanksgiving day.  But many people who love this bird on their plate, may not know that roughly 45 million of these animals are killed each year.
So what is a vegan or vegetarian to do?  Or what is someone looking to try something new and animal friendly this year to eat?  "Here is some green beans," or ". . .but turkey isn't really meat," are heard far too often among people seeking a non-animal meal.  But just when you thought our diets are strict and similar to that of a rabbit, think again, not only is it animal friendly to skip on the turkey, but healthy and delicious!
 The Washington Post has a great article discussing how a vegetarian holiday meal can still be comforting, satisfying, and easy to please the pallet. It gives great ideas on why being a vegetarian on Thanksgiving isn't as tough as it seems. In the article by the Associated Press, it says, "Think about it. Once you’ve taken the obligatory slice of turkey, a dutiful spoonful of gravy and maybe haggled a bit over the dark meat, what you really want is more stuffing. More mashed anything. More syrupy sweet potatoes. And definitely more pie. Pie of any kind."  It's so true.  Many people go back for those yummy side dishes.  Filling up on veggies, stuffing, sweets and treats is easy to do, you will hardly miss the bird!Besides the fact there isn't a dead bird in the middle of your dining room table, eating a vegetarian diet has huge benefits.  According to Elaine Magee's article on Web MD, she states, "In a recent position statement, the American Dietetic Association says that the nutritional benefits of vegetarian diets include lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein, as well as higher levels of fiber, folate, phytochemicals, and antioxidants such as vitamin C and E."  Not only are you doing your body a favor, but you are saving a life of a turkey. Thanksgiving is a day to be grateful and shared with loved ones.  Give a turkey something to be grateful for and try going veg for a day!  These articles and many more website references can reveal what delicious options are available that don't have meat.  Besides, you know your family will still have left overs for that long awaited turkey soup if tofurkey just isn't your thing!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Leave fur to its owner!

What fashion industry and animals have in common? Fur. As you may know, some brands of clothing still use animal’s fur to create their collection. Unfortunately, this practice has nothing to do with taking skin from animals that have died from natural cause. To embellish their garment, some designers are ready to encourage awful practices. The truth may disturb you.

Did you know that, every year, approximately 50 million of animals just to make a coat or a pair of boots prettier? Beavers, chinchillas, foxes, minks, rabbits, raccoons,seals, bears and even dogs and cats (China) are amount the number of animals slaughtered in the name of fashion.

Fur: Winter best friend?
Some may say that fur keeps you warm. It was true long time ago. Fur was the only fabric hot enough to live in the cold weather of some country (and as a Canadian, I know what I am talking about cold temperature!). But today, winter clothing companies develop many different textiles that are as hot, even hotter, than real fur. Now, wearing fur is much more to show people how rich and/or fashion you are than surviving Siberian cold.

More and more, organizations like PETA started to show the world how the animals were killed for their fur. Videos shows suffering animals, some being drowned and even skinned alive for their pelts! You can watch those videos on the official PETA’sYouTube channel. It is really disturbing and not easy to watch, but it may be an eye opener for those who still wear fur. You have been warned.

Encourage fur-free brand to help animals
Unfortunately, there are still many brands and designers that use fur just to embellish their clothing. They encourage cruel slaughter of healthy animals in the name of fashion. What can you do to help? Of course, not buying any piece of clothing with fur is a very good start, but you can also boycott brands known for their use of this fabric and buy only from fur-free retailers like Guess, Forever 21, H&M, FootLocker, Killah, etc. For an exhaustive list you can go on The HumaneSociety of the United States (HSUS) website. 

Careful with fake fur
You don’t want to encourage such a cruel industry but still like the look of fur? You can now buy clothing with fake fur that looks and feels almost exactly the same than the real one. You have to be really careful when come the time to buy fake fur. HSUS investigators noticed that some companies don’t write properly there is fur in the garment you are buying. To make sure that you fur is fake, you can compare with the guide HSUS did expressly for this reason. 

Anti-Fur campaigns and celebrities involved
You probably ever see those ad with a celebrity saying “I’d rather (do something) naked than wear fur” or “Ink, Not Mink”. Those PETA‘s photo-shoots are made to bring reaction, and it usually work pretty well. Stars like Karina Smirnoff, Carey Hart, Eva Mendes, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee participate to those ads to convince the public to not wear fur.

Finally, you can also sign PETA’s pledge for a fur free world.

Stray Animals Are Suffering Too

It is really important to treat them as the living being they are. Unfortunately, every year, tons of cats, dogs and other pets suffer from bad treatment from their owner. Some of them will regrettably finish as stray animals.

As PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) reports on its website, abusing of pets is not only putting them an electrical collar to prevent them from barking or slapping them. It is also abandoned them. Some owner just let them live in their dirt and excrements, some other kick them out of their house.

Instead of taking care of their pets and giving them the appropriate care, some owner preferred to abandon them. The luckiest animals will go in a shelter and get adopt by a good and lovely family. But some won’t have that chance and will finish on the street.

Another problem with that is that most of those abandoned cats and dogs are note sterilized and continue to procreate. This is why PETA create ABC (PETA Animal Birth Control): they want to educate people about adopting animal and neuter them. In that way, fewer pets will finish in the street.

Like PETA, WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals) promote responsible pet ownership, encourage neutering and vaccination, but for pets all around the world. With approximately 75% of the dogs population living in the street internationally, it is really important to not abandon them AND neutering your pet.

Animals are living being and deserve to have a home. They are not meant to wander in the street and die alone.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cut the Act: Halting The Use of Acting Animals

Have you ever heard of an animal that asks to go to audition?  Have you ever seen an ape prepare a monologue with hopes of scoring a lead on a television series?  Of course not.  These may seem like ridiculous questions with undoubted answers, yet many humans still seem to believe that animals are objects to use as a prop, character or spectacle to display for the purpose of entertaining yet more humans.  

Many entertainment outlets have the ability to be held at fault for using animals in their shows or displays.  Some examples include circuses, movies, television series and sporting events.  In the world of "showbiz", it is common for entertainment companies, artists, producers and show staff to put on a great show, to entertain a crowd, invoke joy, and help the viewers escape reality.  But at what cost do these goals come?  Animals have no voice to say, "I do not feel like working today."  They cannot say, "please do not take me away from my mother and send me to a cage where I sit alone and perform at your wish."  Animals cannot state when they hurt, are upset or missing their families even when much research done on animal behavior has pointed to the facts that animals do indeed feel emotion and know more than humans give them credit for.

When animals are "cast" for a show or performance, a majority of the time the conditions are not so glamorous as many human actors may be used to.  A majority of the time, animals are stripped from their mothers when they are infants.  From there, they are taken to unfamiliar surroundings and forced into strict training exercises on exhausting schedules.  Many animals are kept in unsanitary and uncomfortable environments with little social interaction or companionship.  A variety of animals used are social beings.  With the failure to allow their social interaction and lack of affection, these animals may turn anxious and depressed which can also lead to unpredictable behavior while on sets.  While the presence of their cuteness or coolness may charm and excite spectators, lives for these innocent acting animals are anything but cool and fantastic.

Arguments may include that not every single trainer, or every single media production company or every sports team uses animals, and if they do, not all are bad people that neglect the animals that are on display.  While the effort to argue this statement is respected, there is still many steps that need to take place for humane treatment to be a recognized truth among these entertainment displays.  The American Human Association is an organization supported by the Screen Actors Guild.  This organization is responsible for putting the stamp, "No Animals Were Harmed", on movies or show productions.  In reality, the AHA does not monitor all steps of a humane process for animal actors.  Unfortunately, this organization is also supportive in using apes and primates on sets regardless of what training exercises are used, many which include physical abuse.

Recently, animal advocates and other members of animal rights groups retaliated against a show that was on air, "Animal Practice".  This show was accused of using animals to dress them up, make them do tricks, all after a life of separation and abuse.  With the strength, love and drive of these animal lovers, the show was cancelled.  Read more here: PETA's article: "Victory! 'Animal Practice' Cancelled

While there are baby steps towards a more humane and animal friendly world, the reality is we still have a long way to go to help get animals the rights that they should have.  In our society within the modern era, computers, design, graphics, and models can be used instead of a live, feeling, breathing creature.

Everyone can do their part if they so choose, by not contributing to shows or displays where animals are used.  Report any animal abuse that is ever seen and speak up on the behalf of those that have no voice.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Future of monkeys: not so funny

On October 15th, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) announces that more than 25 species of monkeys and other similar kinds of animal were getting closer to extinction. Those animals are endangered especially on the African and the Asian continent. Are humans the main cause?

The grauer's gorilla, the sclater's black lemur, the pygmy tarsier and the Eastern black-crested gibbon are among the critically endangered species listed in the latest report of the IUCN. The species on the list are located on different continent: nine species are in Asia, six in Madagascar, five in Africa and five in South and Central America[1].

The case of the lemur
Christoph Schwitzer, the head of research at the Bristol Conservation and Science Foundation and an editor of the report reported that “the lemurs are now one of the world's most endangered groups of mammals, after more than three years of political crisis and a lack of effective enforcement in their home country, Madagascar. A similar crisis is happening in South-East Asia, where trade in wildlife is bringing many primates very close to extinction."

The primates were endangered for a long time and, luckily, none of them has disappeared… yet. But with the threat of human, the number of primates is decreasing faster than ever. They are more and more endangered and some of them are almost all gone. For example, after several researches, specialists only count 19 northern sportive lemurs (Lepilemur septentrionalis) in the wild in Madagascar[2].

What about other primates?
On a happier note, the pygmy tarsier (Tarsius pumilus) was declared completely extinct in 2000. In 2008, one gets trapped in Sulawesi, Indonesia. This is how experts were able to continue researches and to find out there was still 3 or 4 of them still alive. Unfortunately, this is a very low number for specie and, like the lemurs, they are in great danger of disappearance.  

Human: a real threat for primate
How do humans interfere with those animals life? Among the most common threats there are burning and clearing of tropical forests, the hunting of primates for food and the illegal wildlife trade and more[3]. Without their habitat, most of the species have to find food elsewhere and some will disappears slowly.

The good news
Luckily, there are some actions taken to help those species to survive and to increase for the years to come. In those action, the IUCN listed land and water management, educating people, shifting agriculture, etc. Because of those actions, even if the species are endangered, none of them has completely disappeared, but it gets harder and harder to protect species that has such little amount of them like the northern sportive lemurs.

Even better, some species are discovered. “Amazingly, we continue to discover new species every year since 2000. What is more, primates are increasingly becoming a major ecotourism attraction, and primate-watching is growing in interest” said Russell A. Mittermeier, president of Conservation International and the chairman of the IUCN Species Survival Commission’s primate specialist group.

Despite of all those taken actions to help save primates, it seems that the situation continues to worsen. Losing species is still a huge worry. Even if we are not living on those continents, it shows us that every action we do has a huge impact on the wild life. It is really important to realize all the consequences it has on animals’ life.

Image of a rondo dwarf galago 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fear Factory: Factory Farming--Show Some Respect

Factoring farming is a huge topic in the field of animal rights.  Controversy from this topic stems from poor treatment of animals including unsanitary living conditions, physical abuse, production of "downed" or ill cows, medical negligence and living quarters that are too small for an animal to move in, just to name a few.

Not all animal lovers are going to judge someone who takes a bite of steak, but from our standpoint, animals deserve respect throughout their life up until death, or slaughter.  

On their website, ASPCA, or The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, encourages humane farm animal treatment that is reasonable.  Without harsh criticism towards meat eaters, the animal organization supports the Certified Humane Certificate Program.  With productive labeling and inspections, this program ensures animals are treated humanely throughout production.  This is a positive step towards humane respect for our farm animal friends.

It is important for all individuals who partake in eating food, to consider what we are contributing to in relation to consumption of farm animals or dairy products.  Treehugger has a great article in reference to how farm animals should be perceived.  Writer Sami Grover states, "We have become so desensitized to animal cruelty and industrial processing of farm animals, that most of us—myself included—need reminding that farm animals are sentient beings little different from our beloved pets at home."  Definitely, well said.  Research shows that animals like cows have the ability to make friendships among other cows and feel emotions like sadness.

It is important to shed light on the fact that animals are not just food or another commodity.  They are living, breathing beings that feel.  If an individual feels the necessity or desire to indulge in meat or dairy products, that is their choice.  It should just be shared what animals are still enduring despite continuing efforts and informational pieces provided by animal lovers.  It's all about respect.    


1) "Animal Abuse in Factory Farms is the Norm, Not the Exception", by Sami Grover with
2) What Is the Certified Humane Certificate Program? Page by

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Assignment 2: Peer Group Reconaissance

The Animal Welfare Institute is an organization dedicated to end animal suffering with emphasis on animal research and experimentation, animal torture for fur, and factory farming. Their website consists of suggestions and news pertaining to many animal issues in the modern world.  These issues include the above mentioned as well as companion animals, wildlife, habitat conservation as well as news pertaining to government laws and legislation.  It appears the Animal Welfare Institute, or AWI as they are also known, produces content as it becomes available as up-to-date animal related news.  It appears no section is dedicated to comments from viewers or readers.  This website and organization do have social media accounts via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  There is even a blog section, however, it has not been updated since February and has no comments or feedback.

The Animal Rights Community Online is just as its title states, an online community dedicated to animal rights and welfare.  It is a community of animal activists essentially with a desire to promote the importance of a strict vegetarian or (ideally) vegan diet.  The majority of content on this site is discussions between individuals pertaining to various topics including laws, education and activism, support for diets, and animal chit chat.  Content on this site is published daily from varying authors/animal enthusiasts.  There are many comments associated with the topics on the site.  Because it is a community, the site is similar to an open conversation between multiple people with a high amount of feedback.  Unfortunately, it appears that this community blog is not affiliated with any social media outlets.

Mercy For Animals, or MFA, is an animal rights organization.  The content on their blog pertains to their dedication in treating farm animals with respect and compassion and ending farm animal cruelty.  They also support, and provide information on a more animal friendly diet.  They focus on education consumers, shedding light on cruelty investigations, and keeping up with legal advocacy.  Their content is critical due to the fact that farm animals have the least amount of animal advocates supporting their fight.  Content on the site is published a few times a week up to as many as a few times per day.  On the blog section of the MFA website, no comments were seen.  However, readers do have the option of Tweeting, or sharing the blog via other social media.  MFA has social media accounts with Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, Flickr, and Twitter.

Global Animal is an animal associated organization made up of multiple writers and individuals with a passion for animal welfare.  Global Animal was started out of genuine love and interest in all types of animals and turned it into a daily animal online news magazine.  Global Animal puts emphasis on up-to-date information from fish species in the ocean, to current dog food recalls in your hometown.  Content is published multiple times throughout the day.  Comments are present regarding the topics on the site.  People are allowed to read the articles or information and express their opinions pertaining to that article.  Many people state their disgust at the sad news that is the reality for animals.  Others comment with positive feedback when a happy or upbeat article is posted.   This site has multiple social media venues it uses such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Assignment #2

Animal Ethics: Philosophical Discussion of the Moral Status of Nonhuman Animals
The website is produce by two persons: Mylan Engel and Keith Burgess-Jackson. They started it in 2003 to bring more philosophical discussion about animals. Most of the time, they share others’ work like news from the newspapers and philosophical articles. It is a website about their personal interest. They are not looking for money, but more to make people think about those animals, their rights in a philosophical way.
They publish articles about 5 to 10 times a month and it seems they talk about animals only (except when the put their blogs’ statistics every month). It appears that the comments are not allowed on the article, but you can send them email. For the social media presence, you can share their articles on Facebook, Twitter or Google+, but you can only follow them on Google.

This website is produce by an organization in Toronto called Pound Dogs of Toronto Animal Services South. Its mission is to promote adoption of recued pets and to sensitize people to those abandoned dogs. As our social issue is about all kind of animals’ rights and good life condition, it touches only a part of our subject.
The majority of the blogs’ articles are a presentation of the dogs that are waiting for a human to adopt them. The articles are more descriptive and neutral than biased. The main goal is not to make money, but you have to pay to adopt or you can make donations to make sure the center can properly take care of those dogs before the can be adopt.
They publish content almost every day and the comments are allowed. Most of the time, people comment on how cute is that or that dog, but they also ask questions. The website has a Facebook fan page and a link to their Twitter account.

Animal Aid : Fighting Animal Abuse and Promoting a Cruelty Free Lifestyle
The website is produced by Animal Aid which is an organization in the United Kingdom that does campaign against animal cruelty of any kind. This website seems to be completely related to our social issue. It is full or various content. There are articles from the press, links to the campaign of the organization and its events, a link to make donations, etc. It is pretty complete.
The organization seems to be really involved in this cause and promote it a lot. Nothing here is neutral. We can see that they have at heart and are committed to the cause of animals’ rights.
Apparently, the website publishes news and information every week, but not all of those articles show the date. So they probably publish like 3 or 4 times a week. It appears that visitors can’t leave any comment but they can share the article by sending emails to their friends.
Once again, you can share the articles on a lot of medias (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Messenger, Blogger, etc.) but there is no apparent link for a Facebook page or a Twitter account. I did some research and I did find a Facebook fan page but no Twitter account.

The Guardian: Animal Welfare
As written in the name of the website, The Guardian is the producer. It’s a serious company of newspapers that is in charge of publishing articles. Almost every day, the journal adds new articles to its website about animals. Not only on animals’ rights, but on anything that concerns them. The Guardian publishes articles, photos, videos and even audios of all kind which is not necessary related to our subject every times.
As the majority of the websites found, the comments are not permitted. Visitors can only share articles, not leave any thoughts directly on the website. The articles are made by journalists working at the journal and it is quite neutral. The producer of this section does it probably to inform and to make money. It is a newspaper after all.
The Guardian has a presence on Facebook and Twitter but for the entirety of the journal, not only for the animals’ section. It also has an application.